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Visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free -  


- Visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free


There are a number of reasons microsoft.jeh.oledb.4.0 you might get "The 'Microsoft. This article discusses some of the causes and provides solutions first for uses involving ASP. NET, and then looking at other application uses. First, I will dispense with the most obvious reason for the error, and that is that the provider hasn't visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free registered on the machine on which microsof.jet.oledb.4.0 application is running. The Stydio provider is not installed on Windows operating systems by default.

You have to install it. The version is only visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free as a bit /28425.txt whereas the and versions offer both 32 and bit options. You need to be careful which option you choose, because a wrong choice here is the most frequent cause visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free the error message.

NET application, the most likely cause is that you have installed either one of the bit versions. By default, IIS on a bit operating sudio will run applications in a bit worker process.

If it doesn't exist, you get the error message that brought you here. In this case visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free have vsiual options. First, you can install the or bit version. If you have the bit version installed, you can simply install the micfosoft.jet.oledb.4.0 version alongside it.

If you have the bit version of or installed, you need to uninstall it and download and install the bit version 205. You cannot have both the and bit versions of the same provider installed visual studio 2015 microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 free the same time.

If you are performing the installation on your development machine, you may also be constrained by the bit-ness of any existing Office installations. The second option is to change the application pool in IIS to enable bit applications. Click on Application Pools in the left pane, then select the application pool for the relevant site in the centre pane, and click Advanced Settings on the right:.

IIS Express 7. Therefore the gree version of ACE will not work with it. IIS 8 or greater offer both bit and bit options, so you can download that instead. There is no option to enable bit applications in current versions of IIS Express. However, by default, Visual Studio uses the bit version.

If you launch IIS Express from the command line instead, navigate to studii correct folder instead. Visual Studio is only available as a bit application. For other applications, you should check the bit-ness to microdoft.jet.oledb.4.0 that you have an appropriate version of the provider installed.

As I microsot.jet.oledb.4.0 already mentioned, it is perfectly possible to have both a bit and a bit version installed at the same time, so long as they are not both from the download site.

It might be that you do not have access to the IIS server to either install a version of ACE or make changes to the enable 32 bit applications. You can use the JET provider instead, which still forms part of the Windows operating system. This is only useful if you can enable bit applications or have it enabled but can't install anything on the server. You will need to resave your accdb files to mdb files Access Database instead.

This will be fine if you haven't used any of the features that were added to Access in such as BLOBs and multi-valued fields. Excel files can simply be resaved as Excel Workbook. Alternatively, you can use the EPPlus library to work with Microsoft.jeh.oledb.4.0 files in.

It's free, open перейти and can be deployed with your application, removing the need to install anything. This article looked at the reasons behind the 'Microsoft. The article discussed strategies for resolving the issue, and possible workarounds if /40864.txt is not possible to put the proposed resolutions into effect.

Solved - The Microsoft. Other Sites Learn Razor Pages.



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